维多利亚时期19世纪英国诗人威廉亨利wii ernest heney, 18491903的名篇。
vict 不可征服
out of the night that vers ,透过覆盖我的深夜,
bck as the it fro oe to oe,我看见层层无底的黑暗。
i thank whatever gods ay be 感谢上帝曾赐我,
for y unnerabe sou不可征服的灵魂。
the fe ctch of circustance 就算被地狱紧紧攫住,
i have not ced nor cried aoud我不会畏缩,也不惊叫。
under the bdgeongs of chance 经受过一浪又一浪的打击,
y head is boody, but unbowed我满头鲜血都不低头。
beyond this ce of wrath and tear 在这满是愤怒和眼泪的世界之外,
oos but the horror of the shade,恐怖的阴影在游荡。
and yet the nace of the years 还有,未来的威胁,
fds, and sha fd,unafraid可我是毫不畏惧的。
it atters not how strait the gate,无论我将穿过的那扇门有多窄,
how charged with unishnts the scro,无论我将肩承怎样的责罚。
i a the aster of y fate:我是命运的主宰,
i a the cata of y sou我是灵魂的统帅。
nest of aradise
noreni erie,
norei ra,
tira e erito,
roe tirno,
ne roe tofa,
iagas rono
er intira
she is y s
在she is y s出名后,因为其震撼的歌声,成为许多视频或集锦的音乐。
就好像the dawn被误传成是亡灵序曲一个道理。
nighish she is y s
take heed dear heart once aart
she can touch nornor you
dressed as one
a i betray a b
ead astray the gazers
the razors on your seducg sk
the adow of sfu thoughts
every fower“s a erfect word
to aradise with easure haunted
haunted by fear
a s for hi
desire with desire with
a burng vei for the
ide too dear for hi
a s for hi
desire with desire with
faove with your dee dark s
i a the faen
you are what y ss encose
st is not as creative as its disvery
to aradise with easure haunted
haunted by fear
a s for hi
desire with desire with
a burng vei for the
ide too dear for hi
a s for hi
desire with desire with
faove with your dee dark s
ick your reya wicked way
god i t nfess
i do envy the sners
a s for hi
desire with
a burng vei for the
ide too dear for hi
a s for hi
desire with desire with
a burng vei for the
ide too dear for hi
a s for hi
desire with desire with
faove with your dee dark s